2024/2025 Thursday Night League

    For the Thursday league we get the ice at 7:00 pm and have to be off the ice by 11:00 pm. Teams on Sheets 2 & 4 are responsible for setup, pebbling before the second draw, and tear down. For the early draw please show up by 7:00 pm to help setup. After the ice is set up have someone put 99 minutes on the clock. Second draw games should start around 9:00 pm. 

    Games are 6 ends, there should be more than enough time to complete 6 ends. We need to get off the ice by 11:00 pm, please do not start an end after 10:45 pm.

    Record scores on the Google Sheet sent to skips.

    ThursdayWinter2024 1

     ThursdayWinter2024 2

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    901 N Black Ave.
    Bozeman, MT

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    P.O. Box 11894
    Bozeman, MT 59719

    Email: [email protected] 

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