2024/2025 Playoff Brackets
Here are the brackets for Thursday and Sunday playoffs.
2024 Bozspiel Agenda
The Bozspiel is coming up this Saturday and Sunday Nov 16th and 17th. Basic information for participants follows
There will be a social on Friday evening at the Bozeman Tap Room on the corner of Rouse and Mendenhall. We will order some appetizers and each participant will get one free drink.
Curling starts 8:15 am on Saturday morning and continues throughout the day.
Beer is available in the concessions throughout the day (some free drinks will be available to participants), no outside alcohol is allowed inside the ice rink! Please tip the server.
Lunch will be on your own during one of your blank draws
There will be raffles and silent auction items at the rink to bid on. (items for a raffle or silent auction are welcome).
Drawings will happen during the evening break (5:30 pm), where the club will provide pizza to participants
Curling will continue on Sunday morning with two draws with all curling ending before 1:30 pm and presentation of the Chad Kucera Cup to the winning team.
Start of Fall Leagues
Fall Leagues will start on Oct 24th for Thursday league and Oct 27th for Sunday League. Sorry about previous conflicting information!...
Bozeman Curling Club Promotional Video
Aerial video of our arena in action: Bozeman Curling Club Promotional Video - YouTube...
Learn to Curl!
Bozeman curling club will be hosting two learn to curl events prior to the start of our season on Sunday, September 22nd and Sunday, October 6th from 5:15pm - 7:15pm. Instructors will be present to introduce participants to the basics of the game and a small scrimmage. Cost is $20 per person and guaranteed to be a good time. Visit our registration tab at the top of the page to sign up. See you there!...
Chad Kucera Celebration of Life
Soon after the 2023-2024 Curling season, Chad Kucera - BCC Board Member and enthusiastic friend of curling in MT - found his final rest. With the participation of Chad's family, the Bozeman Curling Club is hosting a Celebration of Life at the Ressler Ice Rink on Sunday, Oct 20th, 5:15 - 7:15 pm. All BCC members and friends of Chad are welcome to attend. Please look for additional information about this event and how you can help us memorialize Chad....
8th Annual Bozspiel
Registration closes soon for 8th Annual Bozspiel, Nov 16th & 17th. We have acquired a very nice trophy for the Bozspiel and named it the Kucera cup in memory of our Chad Kucera, BCC board member, curling enthusiast, and the wearer of the orange pants.
This year we have:
Social Friday Night at the Bozeman Tap Room
Curling begins 8:15 am on Saturday and ends 1 pm on Sunday
Free Beer for participants from the concessions (please tip)
Registration is under Events and Registrations...
BCC Rules
Bozeman Curling Club Rules:
Bring separate shoes for curling. Change shoes prior to entering the ice to keep ice clean. Salt and dirt will track onto ice, changing the conditions of the ice.
Everyone should help bring stones onto ice before games and return them to the storage locker when the session is finished.
Games are six (6) ends.
If you have less than 15 minutes left prior to the next draw or when we have to return the ice, do not start an end.
Teams consist of 4 to 6 members, each throwing 2 stones, in the order you set. The 4 players who start the end must remain the same position throughout the end. In the event where a team is playing with only three players, the lead and second will deliver 3 stones each per end and the skip will deliver 2 each end.
You may substitute players or change rotation in between ends, if your team so chooses. ∙
Each team will designate a Skip and Vice-Skip.
Begin by flipping a coin, this is done by the Vice-Skip, and the opponent Vice-Skip will call it in the air. Whoever wins, decides if they want Hammer or not. (Hammer means you throw the last stone on the first end. Then the other skip picks which set of rocks to throw. (Color)
Whichever team scores, the Hammer moves to the team that did not score.
Introduce yourselves to the other teamshake hands and say “Good Curling” to each other.
Non-hammer team throws the first stone. Seconds and Vice-Skip sweep for the lead. When a player lets go of the stone, the other team should begin setting up the stone for their turn. When the stone motion stops, sweepers move to the side and stay between the Hog lines and try to not distract other players. Skip leaves the house and stands behind the hack as other skip takes over the house.
The free guard rule shall be in effect. Until five stones have been played (two from each side), opposing stones in the free guard zone (the area between the hog and tee lines, excluding the house) may not be knocked out of play by. These are known as guard rocks. If the guard rocks are knocked out of play, all stones are replaced to where they were before the shot was thrown, and the delivered stone is removed from play and cannot be replayed. This rule is known as the five-rock rule or the free guard zone rule.
Only Vice Skips look and decide which stones are closer and what the score is.
Compliment good shots, don’t comment on an errant stone.
If at the end of 6 ends the score is tied, the skips that skipped the last end played will each throw one stone and the winner will be determined by which stone is closer to the button and is still in play between the Hog Line and the End Line. If both stones end up out of play, the skips will deliver another stone each to complete the match and determine the winning team.
The team that scored the most recent point in the match will throw first. The vice-skip will skip for each team, sweeping is allowed, however the vice skip may not sweep the opponents stone if it passes the T line. This is known as a Shootout or a Draw to the Button.
If a team touches their stone being delivered between the hog lines, the stone is “burned” and removed from play. If the a stone is touched after the hog line then the non-offending team decides what to do. They can either remove the touched stone and replace any other moved stones, leave the stones as they lie, or move the stone to where they think it would have ended up . I.e. minor accidental touches don’t necessarily need removal. Be good sports.
Stones have to completely pass the hog line or the back line, except stones that touched stones in play remain in play even if they don’t come to a rest in play.
Unless specified in the Bozeman Curling Club House Rules, games will be governed by the rules set forth in the USA Curling guidelines.
How do I register my team?
Responding to feedback, I am putting up this article to help explain the full league registration process.
Registration for our Bozeman Curling Club Leagues is a two step proces:
1. The league registration is how your team reserves the spots in on Thursday or Sunday league. The league fee is per team and it covers the ice time for the rink. For this season the cost is $425 for the Fall session and $450 for the Winter session which includes the end of the year playoff. If you pay for Winter session now, you can get a discount of $50.
2. Each team member must register individually their annual membership in the Bozeman Curling Club to play in league. The membership is $60 annually and covers insurance, equipment such as hacks and stones, and other club incidentals. The membership registration also includes a liability waiver which is a requirement of our insurance.
So for a 4 person team to play in Fall League the total team cost would be: $425 + (4 x $60) = $640. If the team plays in both Fall and Winter the cost is $425 + $425 + $4x60 = $1090 as the memberships extend over both sessions.
We want to emphasize that the Bozeman Curling Club is all voluteer and a registered non-profit. As such all fees, payments, and donations (tax deductible!) go to operating the leagues and investing in the future of curling in Bozeman. Our vision is to expand our youth curling programs and eventually build out a dedicated curling ice facility. ...
The Bozeman Curling Club is open to all people who are interested in the sport of curling. Our objectives are to promote and support curling in Bozeman and the surrounding area, to establish and maintain regular play, and to have a lot of fun at all times.